FLAG - Flemish Aerospace Group
FLAG stands for Flemish Aerospace Group
Here you will find, what does FLAG stand for in Military.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Flemish Aerospace Group? Flemish Aerospace Group can be abbreviated as FLAG What does FLAG stand for? FLAG stands for Flemish Aerospace Group. What does Flemish Aerospace Group mean?Flemish Aerospace Group is an expansion of FLAG
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Alternative definitions of FLAG
- Farmers' Legal Action Group
- Fun Learning About God
- Foreign Links Around the Globe
- Fred Leeds Asset Group
- Fritz Landolt AG
- Full Line AG
- Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided (missile)
View 10 other definitions of FLAG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FLAG Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided (missile)
- FLAG PCS Flag Port Control Station
- FLAGE Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment
- FLAGO Fleet Administrative & General Order
- FLAGOs Fleet Administrative & General Orders
- FLAIR Field Low Altitude Intermediate-range Radar
- FLASH Firebee Low-Altitude Ship-to-Ship Homing Missile